Bible Study
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Your Word is a Light to My Path - Introduction

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The following is a series of Bible studies on important Christian doctrines. The faith of all Christians should be firmly anchored in these truths, to enable us to be faithful followers of the Lord Jesus and effectively execute our commission which is to be His witnesses. The only source used in this study is the Bible, as you must “know the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 3:15). The Lord Himself wishes to instruct you through His Word, as “all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

Bible study should be done in a devout and prayerful way, always mindful of the fact that the Holy Spirit wants to convince you of these great truths. He is the Spirit of truth who will guide you in such a way that the Lord Jesus will be glorified and His promises and redemptive work will be clearly understood (John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13-14). Your study must not only be an academic exercise but also a spiritual experience which will enlighten the eyes of your mind. Knowledge and grace should go hand in hand, as we must “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18).

In this Bible study, with the exception of certain key verses, we use Scripture references without quoting them. The intention is that every person should find and read the Scriptures in the context in which they are written. It is important that you read these verses, as you will become more acquainted with the Bible and also be motivated to further study. In the process, the knowledge of each subject can be expanded. Notes and reference verses can be added at the end of each chapter so please feel free to notify us of your findings, as these may help us in future revisions of this study guide.

We have added a number of key questions to every chapter to assist you in testing your knowledge on a particular subject. Those who wish to respond to the questions in writing, or who may have other questions on the content of the Bible study, may direct them to Marius and Madelein Wolfaardt at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

During the course of your Bible study you can use the opportunity to underline and memorise key verses in Scripture. There are so many promises, instructions, warnings and exhortations in the Bible of which we should take note that it warrants and necessitates an intensive study of God’s Word. But one should guard against only accumulating knowledge in your mind, as that on its own, will not build you up or enrich you spiritually. After reading and memorising a portion of Scripture you must meditate on it and take it to heart, i.e. you should accept it in faith. Only then will you be able to say: “Your word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. Blessed are You, O Lord! Teach me Your statutes” (Ps. 119:11-12).

It is imperative that we approach this Bible study with an open and receptive mind. We all have much to learn from the Word of God, but for that purpose we need to have a teachable spirit. If you cling to preconceived ideas and church dogma, you will have adopted a biased approach even before you have started with the study. People who are disposed in this way only read the Bible to find confirmation for their own ideas, and then ignore, spiritualise or reinterpret everything that is in conflict with their views. In doing so, the Bible is abused to give credibility to theological traditions and the commandments of men (Matt. 15:8-9). That will not bring you closer to the truth but rather let you deviate from it even further.

The aim of every believer should be, to be spiritually strong “till we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine” (Eph. 4:13-14). Satan intends to keep us away from the Bible and the correct interpretation of it and to expose us to wrong teachings which have been devised to corrupt our minds from the simplicity that is in Christ (2 Cor. 11:3-4). We must guard against that possibility.

Our great objective should be to stand before the Lord one day, hearing these words of approval from Him: “You have kept my word, and have not denied my name” (Rev. 3:8). To keep the Word of God means to know and obey it as the inerrant Word of the living God. By honouring the name of Jesus we are committed to believe in His divine attributes and to confess His deity and saving grace based upon His atoning work on the cross. May the Lord enable every devout student of the Bible to achieve a higher level of dedication to Him and His Word.

Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study

Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study

by Dwight Lyman Moody

We cannot overestimate the importance of a thorough familiarity with the Bible. I try to lose no opportunity of urging people by every means in my power to the constant study of this wonderful Book. If through the pages that follow, I can reach still others and rouse them to read their Bibles, not at random but with a plan and purpose, I shall be indeed thankful.

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Group or Individual Bible Study Guides
Studies available in English & Afrikaans.

An Old Testament Type of Jesus

Joshua played an important role in Israel after they had been delivered from Egypt, thereby preparing him for his future role as leader when they crossed the Jordan to take possession of the Promised Land. His conquests in Canaan rendered proof that he was a special instrument in the hand of the Lord. Joshua was an Old Testament type of Jesus, who was sent by the Father to accomplish a much greater purpose, i.e. to deliver people all over the world from the bondage of sin.

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’n Ou-Testamentiese Tipe van Jesus

Josua het ’n belangrike rol in Israel se geskiedenis gespeel nadat hulle uit Egipte bevry is, en dit het hom voorberei om as leier op te tree toe hulle deur die Jordaan getrek het om die Beloofde Land in besit te neem. Sy oorwinningstogte in Kanaän het van hom ’n beson­dere instrument in die hand van die Here gemaak. Josua was ’n Ou-Testamentiese tipe van Jesus wat deur die Vader gestuur is vir ’n veel groter doel, naamlik om mense oral in die wêreld uit die slawerny van sonde te bevry.

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Die Bybel in Geheel

Die Bybel in Geheel

Hierdie is 'n kort oorsig om vir jou 'n duideliker prentjie te skets voordat jy in diepte met Bybelstudie begin. Hierdie Bybel in Geheel studie, is 'n studie van die hele Bybel. Dit neem jou deur elke boek van die Bybel om vir jou 'n kort oorsig te gee oor elke boek, deur wie dit geskryf was en waarom dit geskryf was en lig ook dan belangrike dele uit en som die boek in kort op. Met hierdie notas saam sal verdere studies van die Bybel baie meer vir jou sin maak en help om sekere konsepte beter te verstaan.
Die Bybel in Geheel

Kort Oorsig

Die waarde van die Bybel / Om die Bybel te verstaan / Bybelse Uitdrukkings.

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Die Bybel in Geheel - DEEL 1

Die Ou Testament

Die Ou Testament kan in 3 Dele opgedeel word: Deel 1 – Geskiedenis – Genesis tot Ester Deel 2 – Wysheid & Digkuns – Job tot Hooglied Deel 3 – Profesieë – Jesaja tot Maleagi

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Die Bybel in Geheel - DEEL 2

Die Nuwe Testament

Die Evangelies is seker die mees bekendste deel van die Bybel. Baie mense ken dele van die Evangelies maar min mense verstaan die omvang en doel van hierdie vier boeke.

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Studies Concerning the subject of Holiness

Holiness is a characteristic that is often talked about but hardly understood as to how it can be obtained. Too often holiness is considered an attribute of God that is not attainable to man. Holiness is considered something impossible.
1. Personal Holiness

2. The Holiness of God

3. Putting Sin to Death, Pursuing Holiness

4. Trained in Godliness

5. True Humility

6. Contentment

7. Self-Control

Open Studies

13 Studies in Christelike Heiligheid

13 Studies in Christelike Heiligheid

Hierdie 13 Wesleyaanse lesings oor heiligmaking is opgestel om weekliks oor ‘n tydperk van drie maande aangebied te word.

Sien Studies

'n Studie oor Heiligmaking

Die leer oor heiligmaking as 'n tweede genadewerk ná bekering help alle Christene om tot geestelike volwassenheid op te groei.

Hier is 12 studies wat in diepte kyk na hierdie onderwerp. Die studies is ook as klank studies beskikbaar.
1. Die Behoefte aan Heiligmaking
2. Die Stryd Teen Vleeslikheid
3. Die Eise van Dissipelskap
4. Oorwinning Oor die Vlees: Die Stap van Heiligmaking
5. Oorwinning Oor Swakhede: Die Proses van Heiligmaking
6. Vervulling met die Heilige Gees
7. Volkome Heiligmaking
8. Die Wil van God
9. Gawes en Vrug van die Gees
10. Bedieninge van die Heilige Gees
11. Die pelgrimsreis van God se Volk
12. Heiligmaking en die Wederkoms

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Discipling New Believers
English & Afrikaans FREE printable studies.

8 Week study program

This can be used as a weekly study for new believers. These studies will help with assurance of salvation and will grow their Bible knowledge. These are the very basics of the Christian faith and will ensure a firm foundation. Give this to a young believer and go through all the answers with the person each week. Make sure they memorized the scriptures each week. Use the study's questions to lead conversations on subjects that the person do not yet understand.

All 8 studies in one
Study 1 ot 8

8 Weke studie program

Gebruik die kort studies om weekliks deur te gaan met 'n nuwe Christen. Dit sal hulle sekerheid gee en hulle Bybel kennis verbreed sodat hulle op 'n vaste fondasie kan bou. Gee dit weekliks vir die persoon en gaan dit dan saam met hulle deur elke week nadat hulle dit ingevul het. Toets hul teks memorisering Gebruik die vrae in die studies as leiding tot nodige gesprekke daar waar die persoon dalk dinge nie verstaan nie.

Al 8 studies in een
Studie 1 ot 8

Articles on Bible Reading & Study

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."  - Psalm 119:105

The Prophetic Books of the Old Testament have been fitted into the narrative at the place where they are thought to have been written. The Epistles have been inserted into the Book of Acts in a like manner.
Praktiese wenke vir jong Christene.
Practical tips for young Christians.
by Rev. R. A. Torrey
Questions to ask when reading the Bible.
Vrae om te vra wanneer jy die Bybel lees.

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